* Strategic and market intelligence studies, articulation of partnerships to enable business, costs surveys, deadlines, and documentation;
* Technical opinion for classification and assessment of regulatory feasibility of products;
* Data Gap Analysis and company and product audit (Due Diligence);
* Legal and taxation intelligence studies aiming at the establishment and operation of companies in Brazil;
* Registration of Establishments (importer, producer, and commercial);
* Registration of products at MAPA;
* Process of inclusion of raw materials and additives in the annexes of the current Normative Instructions;
* Development, preparation, and technical review of marketing materials, primary and secondary labeling aiming at regulatory and marketing compliance;
* Data evaluation, preparation, and delivery of periodic reports;
* Comprehensive Technical Support;
* Temporary hosting of product registration;
* Preparation, execution, and management of field and laboratory tests (R&D);
* Import and export services for products and samples aimed at technical development (field and laboratory tests), commercial and regulatory. Full support in the preparation and evaluation of documents (invoice, packing list, labeling) and intermediation with customs clearance agents;
* Support and preparation of technical defenses with legal support in support of product and company inspection: notice of infraction and seizure, interdiction, notifications, official letters, and fines.